Low-Direction Completion
Beginner Tutorial - #540 x52 SS 1:18.516 9.0 years ago
Combat Tutorial - N/A
Advanced Tutorial - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 1500Forest:
Downhill - N/A
Shaded Grove - #3905 x46 SS 29.032 9.1 years ago
Dahlia - N/A
Fields - #3632 x25 SS 35.466 9.1 years ago
Valley - N/A
Firefly Forest - #2013 x74 SS 1:19.749 9.1 years ago
Tunnels - #5167 x54 SS 59.201 9.1 years ago
Dusk Run - #16084 x76 AA 1:28.448 2.2 years ago
Overgrown Temple - #16244 x35 DC 36.816 9.1 years ago
Ascent - #9948 x72 AS 1:04.401 9.1 years ago
Summit - N/A
Grass Cave - #14850 x22 CA 28.266 9.1 years ago
Wild Den - N/A
Ruins - N/A
Ancient Garden - #3325 x61 SS 49.817 9.1 years ago
Night Temple - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000Mansion:
Atrium - #1895 x20 SS 18.850 9.1 years ago
Secret Passage - N/A
Alcoves - #5141 x64 SS 44.083 9.1 years ago
Mezzanine - #164 x38 SS 50.734 8.0 years ago
Caverns - #16140 x13 DS 29.082 9.1 years ago
Cliffside Caves - #14473 x57 CB 1:26.632 9.1 years ago
Library - #18601 x42 DA 58.751 9.1 years ago
Courtyard - #3407 x110 SS 1:40.296 9.1 years ago
Archive - N/A
Knight Hall - #636 x50 SS 1:19.849 9.1 years ago
Store Room - #2296 x26 SS 31.249 9.1 years ago
Ramparts - #4601 x201 SB 2:58.940 9.1 years ago
Moon Temple - N/A
Observatory - N/A
Ghost Parapets - N/A
Tower - #3675 x10 DS 12.100 9.1 years ago
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 7663City:
Vacant Lot - #1659 x16 SS 21.483 9.0 years ago
Landfill - #3417 x48 SS 34.849 9.1 years ago
Development - N/A
Abandoned Carpark - N/A
Park - #4607 x69 SS 1:01.351 9.1 years ago
Construction Site - #5423 x81 SS 56.468 9.1 years ago
Apartments - N/A
Warehouse - #14597 x19 DA 33.082 9.1 years ago
Forgotten Tunnel - #5188 x120 AA 1:44.779 9.1 years ago
Basement - N/A
Scaffolding - N/A
Rooftops - N/A
Clocktower - N/A
Concrete Temple - N/A
Alleyway - #2774 x52 SB 45.617 9.1 years ago
Hideout - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 8000Laboratory:
Control - N/A
Ferrofluid - N/A
Titan - N/A
Satellite Debris - N/A
Vats - N/A
Server Room - N/A
Security - N/A
Research - N/A
Wiring - N/A
Containment - #1401 x61 SA 56.584 9.1 years ago
Power Room - #1328 x52 SS 54.401 9.1 years ago
Access - #496 x39 SS 45.900 9.1 years ago
Backup Shift - N/A
Core Temple - N/A
Abyss - N/A
Dome - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 7995Difficult:
Kilo Difficult - N/A
Mega Difficult - N/A
Giga Difficult - N/A
Tera Difficult - N/A
Peta Difficult - N/A
Exa Difficult - N/A
Zetta Difficult - N/A
Yotta Difficult - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 4000Total All Levels Time: Missing level data! Points: 37158Other Levels:
Tutorial - N/A
infinidifficult - N/A
The Forest - N/A
The-Mansion-5517 - N/A
The City - N/A
The-Lab-4563 - N/A
The Difficults - N/A
The Scrubforce DX - N/A
The-Dustforce-DX-5583 - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 4500Best ILs (by rank):
Mezzanine - #164 x38 SS 50.734 8.0 years ago
Access - #496 x39 SS 45.900 9.1 years ago
Beginner Tutorial - #540 x52 SS 1:18.516 9.0 years ago
Knight Hall - #636 x50 SS 1:19.849 9.1 years ago
Power Room - #1328 x52 SS 54.401 9.1 years ago
Worst ILs (by rank):
Library - #18601 x42 DA 58.751 9.1 years ago
Overgrown Temple - #16244 x35 DC 36.816 9.1 years ago
Caverns - #16140 x13 DS 29.082 9.1 years ago
Dusk Run - #16084 x76 AA 1:28.448 2.2 years ago
Grass Cave - #14850 x22 CA 28.266 9.1 years ago
Best ILs (by time):
Worst ILs (by time):
Newest ILs:
Dusk Run - #16084 x76 AA 1:28.448 2.2 years ago
Mezzanine - #164 x38 SS 50.734 8.0 years ago
Vacant Lot - #1659 x16 SS 21.483 9.0 years ago
Beginner Tutorial - #540 x52 SS 1:18.516 9.0 years ago
Power Room - #1328 x52 SS 54.401 9.1 years ago
Oldest ILs:
Shaded Grove - #3905 x46 SS 29.032 9.1 years ago
Tunnels - #5167 x54 SS 59.201 9.1 years ago
Ramparts - #4601 x201 SB 2:58.940 9.1 years ago
Tower - #3675 x10 DS 12.100 9.1 years ago
Warehouse - #14597 x19 DA 33.082 9.1 years ago
Beginner Tutorial - #2661 x52 SS 1:18.516 9.0 years ago
Combat Tutorial - N/A
Advanced Tutorial - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 1500Forest:
Downhill - N/A
Shaded Grove - #8165 x46 SS 29.032 9.1 years ago
Dahlia - N/A
Fields - #896 x15 CS 27.516 9.1 years ago
Valley - N/A
Firefly Forest - #50 x19 DS 28.999 8.4 years ago
Tunnels - #735 x30 BS 40.933 9.1 years ago
Dusk Run - #13725 x76 AA 1:28.448 2.2 years ago
Overgrown Temple - #848 x35 DC 36.816 9.1 years ago
Ascent - #2249 x72 AS 1:04.401 9.1 years ago
Summit - N/A
Grass Cave - #386 x22 CA 28.266 9.1 years ago
Wild Den - N/A
Ruins - N/A
Ancient Garden - #2851 x54 DB 31.832 9.1 years ago
Night Temple - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 7434Mansion:
Atrium - #866 x13 DS 9.516 8.0 years ago
Secret Passage - N/A
Alcoves - #301 x35 CS 29.599 9.1 years ago
Mezzanine - #48 x21 DA 36.549 8.0 years ago
Caverns - #60 x13 DS 29.082 9.1 years ago
Cliffside Caves - #105 x57 CB 1:26.632 9.1 years ago
Library - #145 x42 DA 58.751 9.1 years ago
Courtyard - #33 x25 DA 45.683 9.1 years ago
Archive - N/A
Knight Hall - #1290 x50 SS 1:19.849 9.1 years ago
Store Room - #3333 x26 SS 31.249 9.1 years ago
Ramparts - #588 x109 AA 2:13.009 9.1 years ago
Moon Temple - N/A
Observatory - N/A
Ghost Parapets - N/A
Tower - #325 x10 DS 12.100 9.1 years ago
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 5510City:
Vacant Lot - #292 x6 DS 8.266 8.9 years ago
Landfill - #5009 x48 SS 34.849 9.1 years ago
Development - N/A
Abandoned Carpark - N/A
Park - #493 x36 CB 45.650 9.1 years ago
Construction Site - #11612 x81 SS 56.468 9.1 years ago
Apartments - N/A
Warehouse - #106 x19 DA 33.082 9.1 years ago
Forgotten Tunnel - #1784 x120 AA 1:44.779 9.1 years ago
Basement - N/A
Scaffolding - N/A
Rooftops - N/A
Clocktower - N/A
Concrete Temple - N/A
Alleyway - #3715 x52 SB 45.617 9.1 years ago
Hideout - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 7388Laboratory:
Control - N/A
Ferrofluid - N/A
Titan - N/A
Satellite Debris - N/A
Vats - N/A
Server Room - N/A
Security - N/A
Research - N/A
Wiring - N/A
Containment - #679 x35 AB 35.766 9.1 years ago
Power Room - #327 x25 DS 30.016 9.1 years ago
Access - #828 x39 SS 45.900 9.1 years ago
Backup Shift - N/A
Core Temple - N/A
Abyss - N/A
Dome - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 7826Difficult:
Kilo Difficult - N/A
Mega Difficult - N/A
Giga Difficult - N/A
Tera Difficult - N/A
Peta Difficult - N/A
Exa Difficult - N/A
Zetta Difficult - N/A
Yotta Difficult - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 4000Total All Levels Time: Missing level data! Points: 33658Other Levels:
Tutorial - N/A
infinidifficult - N/A
The Forest - N/A
The-Mansion-5517 - N/A
The City - N/A
The-Lab-4563 - N/A
The Difficults - N/A
The Scrubforce DX - N/A
The-Dustforce-DX-5583 - N/A
Total Hub Time: Missing level data! Points: 4500Best ILs (by rank):
Courtyard - #33 x25 DA 45.683 9.1 years ago
Mezzanine - #48 x21 DA 36.549 8.0 years ago
Firefly Forest - #50 x19 DS 28.999 8.4 years ago
Caverns - #60 x13 DS 29.082 9.1 years ago
Cliffside Caves - #105 x57 CB 1:26.632 9.1 years ago
Worst ILs (by rank):
Dusk Run - #13725 x76 AA 1:28.448 2.2 years ago
Construction Site - #11612 x81 SS 56.468 9.1 years ago
Shaded Grove - #8165 x46 SS 29.032 9.1 years ago
Landfill - #5009 x48 SS 34.849 9.1 years ago
Alleyway - #3715 x52 SB 45.617 9.1 years ago
Best ILs (by time):
Worst ILs (by time):
Newest ILs:
Dusk Run - #13725 x76 AA 1:28.448 2.2 years ago
Mezzanine - #48 x21 DA 36.549 8.0 years ago
Atrium - #866 x13 DS 9.516 8.0 years ago
Firefly Forest - #50 x19 DS 28.999 8.4 years ago
Vacant Lot - #292 x6 DS 8.266 8.9 years ago
Oldest ILs:
Shaded Grove - #8165 x46 SS 29.032 9.1 years ago
Tunnels - #735 x30 BS 40.933 9.1 years ago
Tower - #325 x10 DS 12.100 9.1 years ago
Alcoves - #301 x35 CS 29.599 9.1 years ago
Warehouse - #106 x19 DA 33.082 9.1 years ago